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Supporting Our Communities - Scout Fertiliser Fundraiser

Friday 6 October 2023

Each year for well over a decade now, Ace Ohlsson branches have offered fundraising campaigns for several Scout groups in the Sydney basin.

Ace Ohlsson Campbelltown begins preparation for the campaign in June and works with Scout groups to provide a range of mulches, fertilisers and other garden products for fundraising through resale to the local community.  The branch provides free delivery which is supported but one of our local freight companies on a flat rate basis allowing us to set a minimum buy from the Scout groups and which also ensures the group of a minimum return of around $500.  The largest have raised over $3000.

The 2023 campaign supported 12 Scout groups (adding one from 2022) and raised a total of over $11,000 across the groups participating.  The Scout groups call in assistance from parents and the local community to raise funds through the sale of the products with profits going to the upgrade of hall facilities, purchase of new equipment and sending Scouts on larger movement meetings such as Jamboree and Cubboree.  This years purchases included contribution to the purchase of a rescue boat and in previous years has purchased a new kitchen.  Some groups also use the capaign to facilitate the badgework for the scouts and an opportunity to engage with their local community.

For most of the groups participating the campaign is their major fundraiser for the year with planning starting in June for a Spring launch and spread across several weekend to coincide with Spring. 

The 2023 campaign was very successful with all participating groups already indicating they would like to run the campaign again in 2024 and some seeing it as a program into the foreseeable future.

Some feedback from the 2023 Campaign:

"This is the main annual fundraiser for the Beecroft Cheltenham Scout Group. The fertiliser drive was especially critical during COVID when Scout numbers reduced and expenses did not. "

"With the increase in the cost of living, there is pressure to limit the increase to fees charged to parents. This makes our fundraising activities even more important."

"...the fertiliser is our biggest fundraiser, contributing around 60% of our total fundraising. We use it to make improvements to our scout hall and aim to continue indefinitely. "

"It's one of our major fundraisers for the year which always us to purchase assets we would not otherwise have.  It means our scouts get to experience things and learn skills they would otherwise not be able to as part of scouts.  It also allows us to engage with our community through the leaflet drops advertising the garden products..  We also have a group of local customers who buy every year and like supporting us"

"The Fertiliser Drive is an important part of the fundraising for our Group. As well as providing much needed funds for our Group , it is also an opportunity for us to engage with the local community and promote Scouts in general. It also contributes part of the Scouts Achievement Pathways (Badgework) in the area of Community Engagement and Service."

Ace Ohlsson is pleased to be able to offer this service to the community.

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